How Long Do Scars From Breast Reduction Go Away?

do scars from breast reduction go away

Most women who undergo breast reduction surgery will have to contend with scars. Some of the most common questions about scars after surgery are, “How long will my scars last?” and, “What do I do to make them less noticeable?”

There are many different methods available to help alleviate the appearance of scars. For example, you can apply silicone sheets to the incisions. These will help keep the scars hydrated and prevent itching. This will also keep the area free from bacteria.

Other types of treatments include laser removal and steroid injections. These can help reduce the size and tension of the scars. You should talk with your doctor about all your options before undergoing any type of treatment.

If you are concerned about the color of your scar, consider using a sunscreen. Exposure to UV light can darken and thicken your scars. The darker your skin, the more likely you are to develop hyperpigmentation. It is also important to avoid exposure to heat. You should also be careful to avoid stress during your recovery period.

Another treatment you can try is to massage your scar. Massaging helps the tissue to be more flexible and allows blood to flow better. You should do it in a gentle and horizontal motion. You should use an anti-bacterial cream if you are worried about infection.

Your surgeon may suggest using scar gels to make the scars less visible. These are safe and should be used on the incisions after the healing process is complete. These products take several months to start working, so you should use them on a daily basis.

You can also use a softening cream. This will help to reduce the size of your scar, as well as keep it soft and flexible. You should also avoid extreme exercise for the first six weeks after surgery. You should also avoid sun exposure and smoking, which can inhibit the healing process.

You should also consider wearing a post-operative bra for several weeks after your surgery. The bra will help to support and minimize the tension on your scar.

If you are considering a breast reduction, you should speak with your cosmetic surgery specialist about all your options. Breast reduction scars will be less noticeable after a few months, but they will continue to lighten for about a year. A bathing suit will also be helpful in hiding any scars that you may still have.

A surgical bra can also be used to cover your incisions. The bra should have a soft but firm underband. It is essential to wear your bra for at least 6 months after your surgery, as it will help to lessen the stress on your scar.

Breast reduction scars can be treated by a plastic surgeon or a dermatologist. Depending on the severity of the scar, you can also seek non-surgical treatment options. However, you will need to be patient and be willing to work on your scars for a few months. You should talk with your surgeon before starting any treatments to ensure that you are doing everything you can to help your healing process.

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