How Long Do The Scars From Breast Reduction Go Away?

do the scars from breast reduction go away

If you have had breast reduction surgery, you might be wondering how long the scar will last. The truth is that it is not likely to completely go away. However, you can minimize the look of your scars by taking the proper steps and following your surgeon’s instructions.

The size and color of your scar will change as your skin ages. Women with darker skin are at a higher risk of developing hyperpigmentation or keloids. In addition, UV rays can darken your scars. So it’s important to avoid tanning. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using a sunscreen with at least 30 SPF.

To get a better idea of how long your breast reduction scars will last, you should ask your doctor. Some people’s scars aren’t that noticeable for several months after their surgery. If you have an older scar, steroid injections may be a good treatment option for you. These injections will reduce redness, swelling, and itching. In addition, steroid treatments will soften the skin and decrease the size of the scar.

During the first few days after your surgery, you will have to wear a surgical bra. You should also keep the area covered to prevent excessive heat and sunlight. You should stay off the sun until the incisions have healed. If you have to leave your house, make sure to have someone with you for support and assistance.

Your incisions will begin to heal in the weeks following your procedure. Your skin will start to break down and form new collagen fibers. This process can take a while, so you should continue to take care of the area. If the incision site is not healing properly, it could turn into an infection. This infection can lead to a harder scar. This can be prevented by applying a prescribed ointment to the wound.

You can also use hydroquinone bleaching cream to lighten your breast reduction scars. You should use this cream twice a day for 4 to 6 months. It will need to be applied at least two hours before and after swimming. You should also avoid smoking and sun exposure as these will interfere with your healing.

You should also try silicone gel sheets to help with the appearance of your breast reduction scars. Silicone gel can promote cell turnover and provide hydration to your scars. You can apply the gel on your incisions at least twice a day for three months.

You can also reduce your scars by using sunscreen. You should always use a broad spectrum sunscreen with at least 30 SPF. If you don’t apply sunscreen, your scars will become darker. So you should apply sunscreen whenever you are in the sun.

If you have any questions about how to minimize the look of your scars, contact your cosmetic surgeon. If you want to see a plastic surgeon who specializes in breast reduction, look for one in your area. The Cosmetic Surgery Center of Huntsville offers advanced surgical techniques to minimize the appearance of your scars.

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